Charuchandra College


Affiliated to Calcutta University

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College at a Glance

Charuchandra College is a Government Sponsored Co-educational Degree College affiliated to University of Calcutta. The College was founded on 1st October 1947. The College is housed in its present premise at 22 Lake Road, Kolkata – 700 029.

Name of College Charuchandra College
Address 22 Lake Road, Kolkata-700029
Phone Number 9635753261
Year of Establishment 1947
Affiliating University Calcutta university
Recognised by University Grants Commission Under 2(f) and 12-B
Status of NAAC Accreditation Accredited (Previous grade B+)
Financial Category Grant-in-Aid
Type of College Co-educational
Teacher-in-Charge Prof. Anuradha Ghosh
No. of Departments 18
No. of Programmes 13
No. of Faculty Members 66
Total no. of Faculty Members with Ph. D. 29
No. of Students 1485 (862M+623F) (2020)
Infrastructure Main building, Library, Laboratories,
Common rooms, Gymnasium